A-Wing (49)Full unit name: RZ-1 A-Wing Interceptor
Last updated: 28.08.2024 19:32:22
Navigation (13)
Basic info
First appearance: Return of the Jedi
Return of the Jedi
Was designed by: Jan Dodonna
Jan Dodonna
Supporting Characters
, Walex Blissex
Walex Blissex
Minor Characters
Relations: Incom Corporation
Incom Corporation
Known Facts (4)
Battle over Endor (4) »
The RZ-1 A-wing interceptor was a starfighter designed by the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. One of the fastest mass-produced interceptors in the known galaxy, the A-wing was even faster than the Imperials' TIE Interceptor
TIE Interceptor
Starfighter Models
, despite also having shielding and a hyperdrive, unlike the cheaper TIE model. The RZ-1 A-wing interceptor was a cockpit attached to twin engines. Like its Clone Wars predecessor, the Eta-2
Eta-2 Interceptor
Starfighter Models
, the A-wing required pilots of exceptional skill to take full advantage of the vessel's speed, agility, and special features - and the Rebel Alliance lacked the Galactic Republic's Jedi pilots. The A-wing's Novaldex J-77 Event Horizon engines remained some of the most powerful sublight thrusters two decades past the A-wing's creation and were linked to highly sensitive controls. The vessels presented a number of challenges to pilots. Pilots had to adjust two dorsal and two ventral stabilizer wings with great care, as even a minor turn could send the speedy A-wing into a massive spinout.
General Jan Dodonna
Jan Dodonna
Supporting Characters
's after action review of the Battle of Yavin
Battle of Yavin
Galactic Civil War
affirmed the value of Alliance starfighters, but also highlighted that a simple trio of TIE starfighters had almost foiled the trench run. Dodonna planned to create a dedicated Alliance interceptor, in anticipation of a similar analysis by the Imperial Navy; indeed, Sienar Fleet Systems
Sienar Fleet Systems
accelerated work on an updated TIE Interceptor
TIE Interceptor
Starfighter Models
which would match the A-wing's speed. To design the starfighter, Dodonna turned to Walex Blissex
Walex Blissex
Minor Characters
, famed ex-Kuat Systems Engineering engineer. Blissex brought valuable experience from work on the Clone Wars-era Delta-7 Aetherspite-class light interceptor
Delta-7B Interceptor
Starfighter Models
and Alpha-3 interceptors
Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-Wing Starfighter
Starfighter Models
. The pair based initial designs on the R-22 Spearhead, already nicknamed by pilots as "A-wings" per the -wing naming convention for other Rebel craft, of which two had fought at Yavin. They formed Alliance Underground Engineering, and worked with pilot Jake Farrell
Jake Farrell
Minor Characters
in improving a Tammuz-an design. It was additionally based off the Delta-7. Dodonna and Blissex presented a proposal to Chief of State Mon Mothma
Mon Mothma
Major Characters
for official support. It was ill-timed. The victory at Yavin incited open rebellion on thousands of worlds, resulting in widespread Imperial suppression. The Alliance was scattered, and had insufficient funds for the proposed A-wing program. Nevertheless, Dodonna's fame from his role at Yavin made a denial difficult, and Mothma approved with reduced funding.


See also
Organizations that used this starship
Green Squadron
Known crew - characters
Tycho Celchu
Arvel Crynyd
Jake Farrell
Gemmer Sojan
Complete list

Full unit name: RZ-1 A-Wing Interceptor Last updated: 28.08.2024 19:32:22